Monday, July 14, 2008

Philippines Cebu Luring trip

Location: Philippines-Cebu
Date: 04July 08 to 07Jul 08
Airline: Cebu Pacific Air A320

Coral Reef at CEBU

This trip is not really ment to be a fishing trip but a holiday trip for me and my wife and tagging along is my fishing buddy....Joon and his "friend" or should i say his "FUTURE DESTINY". Seriously, Fishing is not in our itinerary until the very last minute when both Joon and i finally agreed to bring some lure fishing tackles along.

Really clear water and many fish

Parrots caught by locals

Hahaha..Beach boy with my gears

Joon with his Daiwa Bay Area

The weather at Cebu was really fantastic and the crystal cleared water at the beach is really a sight not to be missed. Most of the time were spend on swimming, snorkeling as well as relaxing at the beach. There are many type of fish at the coral reef swimming happily and its really amazing seeing the fish feeding on the corals.

My ammunition for this trip

Some Lures to try out

My Ryobi Zauber 2000 with Shimano Basstera

Shimano Axis 100 with Shakespear Contender

Finally, a fish caught on lure

This wrasser was caught and released unharmed

The highlight on this luring trip was that a big GT swimming towards my lure while i was retrieving it back. However, the fish was not really interested to take the lure and within seconds, the fish disappeared from my sight. It was really an unforgettable moment for me. Seriously, if the GT took my lure, it will really be a bad news for me as well. My gear is definately no match for this monster and there's no way i can fight this fish in a peace of mind considering all the coral reef in the surrounding. Come to think of it, it might be a piece of good news for me..... :)

Sea Urchin for dinner anyone?

Japanese are crazy for this delicacy

Local fishing boat

Local popular food "Lechon"

A school of Rabbit fish

Milk fish and Mullet swimming near the beach

A nice place to relax yourself

Spotted a Barracuda

Impossible to find such scenary in Singapore

Despite of the poor luring result at such a good fishing spot in Philippines, it does not spoilt any of our mood in this trip. Indeed, our main objective is not on fishing but to have an enjoyable and carefree holiday without thinking much of our daily work. Seriously, if you are feeling stressful and is totally sick of your job, the best way to de-stress yourself is to have a nice holiday...C'mon..What are you waiting for???